What caught my eye this week.

Charlie Munger used to say that to be really sure of our convictions, we must be able to argue the opposite side.

If you agree and you’re a fan of early retirement, then get yourself a glass of whiskey and/or a couple of Ibuprofen and buckle up to digest the anti-FIRE message loud and clear.

Because this week Jared Dillian of the punchily-named We’re Gonna Get Those Bastards blog took on The FIRE Movement:

Joe graduates from college and gets a job in the cube farm for $80,000 a year. He gets the cheapest apartment possible, rides a bike instead of driving, and eats ramen noodles.

He does this for ten years, saving up to 70% of his income, and investing it in low-cost index funds. At the end of ten years, he has a million or so saved up, more if he is lucky. At that point, he retires to play the guitar or paint happy little trees, and gradually draws down his savings over time.

If the stock market keeps going up as planned, he can stay retired for 50 more years, and get really good at guitar.

This the fucking stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life.

I enjoyed the post, but then I often link to Dillian’s writing. He swears a lot and takes no prisoners – but hey, it worked for Quentin Tarantino.

Also, I don’t consider feisty articles uploaded into the void as a personal attack, which helps.

But of course there’s a lot that’s wrong in Dillian’s FIRE1 summary.

Nobody serious in ‘the movement’ uses a 12% expected return to underwrite their financial futures, as he claims.

Indeed, when outside-the-movement pundit Dave Ramsey suggested something similar recently, FIRE elders took him to pieces. As for The Accumulator, he is downright parsimonious.

More subjectively, Dillian’s take on whether and why people would pursue a FIRE-forward lifestyle is hyperbolic, and his love of consumption culture seems archaic to me.

That’s okay. We all think differently, and our views evolve too.

Monevator began life as a blog championing early retirement, but I don’t actually believe it’s a good idea for most anymore. We debated the pros and cons a while ago.

However I do love and cherish financial independence. And for me that wouldn’t have been possible if I’d lived life the way Dillian describes.

Know your enemies

It’s good to be challenged, so have a read of the whole article. He makes a couple of fair points as he sprays his gun around. Even if he’s targeting some of the least objectionable people you can imagine.

Where do I agree with him?

Well, I do think someone should probably change jobs if they’re that unhappy, rather than slogging it out for two decades on the prospect of a grand escape.

I also doubt whether most deeply unhappy people will be made happier by having more time to sit around thinking about it. There’s probably something else going on.

Finally, I don’t believe a 50-year long retirement – as in never working for money again – is optimal. In my observation though few truly early FIRE-ees actually end up never working again anyway.

You may think differently. Jared Dillian does. And again, that’s all fine.

One huge virtue of the FIRE concept is it’s not trying to change anybody else’s world. Your politics might have made our country poorer and my holidays more of a hassle. But your savings rate is your own affair. It hurts me not a jot.

Where some see solipsism in FIRE, I see humility and the serenity prayer.

I guess that sounds boring and worthy, and not half as much fun as swearing. Dillian’s post is more entertaining. No doubt it boosted his website traffic.

But you know what else is entertaining?

Being free to do whatever you want to with your weekdays before you’re 50. And not having to care what anybody else – boss, random blogger, or brother-in-law – thinks about it.

Have a great weekend!

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Comment and opinion

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Kleptopia: How Dirty Money is Conquering the World by Tom Burgis – £0.99 on Kindle

Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb – £1.99 on Kindle

Make Your Bed by William McRaven – £0.99 on Kindle

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And finally…

“Quite possibly there’s nothing as fine as a big freight train starting across country in early summer, Hardesty thought. That’s when you learn that the tragedy of plants is that they have roots.”
A New York Winter’s Tale, Mark Helprin

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